Assalamualaikum and Hi people!!!!

Today, I feel so rajin to update my blog. Sebab taknak blog berhabuk, so kenalah rajin update. 
I introduce you, my bestfriends yang gila, bengong dan saaaaaaaangatlah bengong! Kitorang dah kenal selama 6 tahun. So, macam mana kita orang boleh jadi kawan baik? Ni ceritanyaaaa..........

from behind, left: me, Nur izzati. Front left, Nurin Huda(my twin) and Nur Syahida.

Once upon a time..... *cehhhh*
So, aku ada kembar, namanya nurin huda. She's my bestfriend since we're born. I really love her that i never care to have a bestfriend when i was in my primary school. Then when i was in my secondary school, i realized i need one friend where i can tell my secrets and all. Yela, sek menengah memisahkan aku dengan kembar aku. Well, actually we were in same school but different class. And yeah that make me feel so far dengan dia T.T.
When i was 13 yrs old, aku sama kelas lagi dengan kembar aku, but started to try kawan dengan orang lain. And, aku berkawan dengan satu geng ni. And, aku sangatla terikut dengan dorang punya lifestyle sampai cikgu tak suka aku. okay, taknak cerita pasal tu. itu maybe in my next post. and then, i started to unfriend them because of some matters. Then when i was in form 2 (14yrs old) aku dengan kembar aku berpisah! But kitorang masuk asrama. Maka, mulalah misi mencari kawan baru. Yes, i found them but still not izzati. Kawan2 aku yang baru ni, semuanya ada berapa entah. Ceh, geng baru pulak. Tapi still dengan Huda jugak. semua secrets kongsi ngan huda je. This geng pulak, rupanya tak suka izzati (atiey). Then dorang ceritalah kenapa dorang tak suka. LOL. Semuanya sebab lelaki okay! Tapi disebabkan aku dengan dorang, so aku kenalah ikut tak suka jugak dengan atiey. LOL. So childish. And yess, setiap kali jumpa dia, i will give a bitch face to her. HAHAHAHA, im soo bitch that u cant even think i could be. 
But, God had the best plan for me and atiey. When i was 15 yrs old(form 3) we're in the same dorm and her bed was next to me. Since that, i knew that i was wrong about her. She's soooo kind and soo manja that u really wanna slap her face. LOL. JK! I love her as my bestfriend. She can keep my secrets. I trust her sooo much. Well, we started getting close after 1st june 2011. Oh ya, Nur syahida (syahid) aku memang rapat dengan dia sebab huda punya bestfriend. So, kenalah rapat. YEs, my story dengan syahid simple je. Disebabkan huda. 1st june tu kitorang keluar sesama dengan ada sorang kawan nii. dia third wheel kitorang lah kononnya. sebab huda dengan syahiid, aku dengan atiey. LOL. kesian dia. sorang2. And after that, kitorang macam belangkas. Semua sama sama. And when we're in form 4(16yrs old), dia pindah sekolah. And yess, i cried soooooooooooo much. At that time, i thought we're going to lost contact and forget each other. I dont want that because i want us to stay together as bestfriend forever. But i was wrong. She's still contact me and we did send letters and gifts. 

And now, all four of us still contact and are planning to go overseas together. I hope that time will come soon :)

These are our recent photos of travel together. I'm in process of making video on our last travel to Perak. If it is done, i'll post it here. Pinky Promise!

Dahh. Banyak lagi sebenarnya, but takut korang mengantuk nak tengok.Hehehehe. 
Okay people! Thanks for reading, lova y'all!!!! Peace yo !!! Byeeeeee!!!!


  1. haha I'm very touched auchhh <3

    1. Jomlah jalan2 lagiii. soooo rindu dengan korangggg :'( Banyak benda nak luahkan
